
Some words about my lyrics...

Crafting lyrics for my songs has always been an absolute breeze—said no musician ever! It's an incredibly easy and effortless task that seamlessly combines rhythm, meaning, and melody... or not. In my glorious 20s, I possessed a vocabulary that could rival a thesaurus—I mean, who needs words, right? Needless to say, it was a smooth-sailing journey filled with rainbows and unicorns... or maybe not. 

But fear not! During the mystical and magical process of remastering my songs, I embarked on a quest to fix whatever could be fixed. I bravely battled against the forces of "sucky" lyrics and valiantly attempted to breathe new life into them. You can witness the results of this epic battle by checking and downloading the lyrics from the links provided below.

So go ahead, explore the captivating world of my lyrics. Marvel at the unparalleled genius that is my artistic expression. Just remember, sarcasm may or may not be included as a bonus feature. Enjoy, my dear listener, enjoy!


8teen / Again /Angel / All we have a Story to tell / Angel / Ashes in the Water / Bonjour / Carry On / CrapholeDesire / Fit in the Show / For a Throne / Get Lost / Growing Old / Heart in a Bottle / illusions / I'm Sorry / I want a mansion / Just Believe me / My Madness / The day is Coming / Queen of the Roses / There was a Time